Jun 14Liked by Parker Settecase

This scene makes me think of Anne Baxter and Yvonne De Carlo making comparisons of the other to Charlton Heston from The Ten Commandments.

“” It’s not omnipotent, but it’s powerful enough to end us all. It’s not omnipresent, but it certainly can act wherever it wants to act. It’s not omniscient, but practically so when it comes to its own purposes, whatever those may be, seeing as they are inscrutable to us. But is it omnibenevolent? Will it be constrained by moral perfection?

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“What on Terra is going on?”

Using that from now on. 😎

This is cool, man!

Love it.

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Jun 13Liked by Parker Settecase

Good work. I can't escape the Douglas Adams parallelism with the supercomputer, and framing it on the questions about the supposed goodness of the AI and it's relationship with God it's an amazing way to show the concept under a different light (and a soft entrance into the complex conversations that we must have about the future of AGI)

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Jun 13Liked by Parker Settecase

Burning the midnight oil?

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Lol not midnight yet! Had to squeak it in after editing a revise and resubmit journal article all day 😅

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Jun 13Liked by Parker Settecase

This is actually sick that you responded! I didn’t think about the time zone, I’m down here in SC so it’s only about 20 past midnight for me. Regardless, I won’t take up too much of your headspace. I simply saw the notification and had to at least look at it. I’m to the introduction of the *invisible deity with supreme intelligence*…and decided it might be best to hold off till the morning. Looking forward to it! (I really appreciate your content across the board just thought I’d say that while you’re here.)

All the best,


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Thanks so much for reading my stuff! That's the most encouraging thing to me 🙌

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Jun 13Liked by Parker Settecase

Definitely worth the wait. My dog made me postpone my reading a bit but that was refreshingly simple and a detailed to picture in my head(the halo haircut made me cringe a little inside)! Also Latin for earth was a fun tidbit.

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