Mar 8Liked by Parker Settecase

I have been trying to make a reading log but am lost on where to start. Anyone have any tips?

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These are all great tips.

I've actually been practicing to write in my pocket notebook more often rather than scroll on social media. To be honest, at this point apps like instagram and twitter revolt me because I can never glean any sense of fulfillment from them.

I'd rather write down my thoughts and ideas and explore them than explore endless reels and videos online.

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Thanks, Parker! This is such a timely article as I started keeping a pocket notebook and practicing digital minimilism after watching one of your vids in late December.

Interesting to see it layed out like this and relating my own experience to what you have written.

You are awesome!

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Helpful tips, thanks for sharing. I just locked my phone away for a week and shared my experience. It really helped me reset my social media habits, and general phone use. Going to do it once a month and switch to a dumb phone on weekends. Definitely feeling a much calmer mind since I detoxed.

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